Tattoos and nail art are two of the most common ways that people utilize aesthetics to express themselves, among many other things. Thus, it seems virtually inevitable that a trend combining the two will emerge. As the name implies, nail tattoos are ink tattoos done directly to the nail. They are becoming more and more popular because of their aesthetic appeal, low pain threshold, and short (ish) half-life.

So, to find out more about them, we spoke with board-certified dermatologists Brendan Camp, MD, and Anna Guanche, MD, as well as professional tattoo artist Pobi. Discover everything there is to know about nail tattoos, including application methods and duration, by reading on.
Get to Know the Expert
- Pobi is a New York City-based professional tattoo artist.
- At MDCS Dermatology, Brendan Camp, MD, is a double board-certified dermatologist with a focus on medical and cosmetic dermatology.
- Bella Skin Institute’s board-certified dermatologist Anna Guanche, MD, practices.
What Is Inked On The Nails?
To put it briefly, a nail tattoo is an ink design applied to the nail’s surface. According to Pobi, the procedure is the same as getting a tattoo on your flesh, but it’s put on your nails instead of your skin. A nail tattoo will eventually fade. The same kind of ink and tattoo gun used for skin tattoos will be used by the artist while applying a nail tattoo. The pigment is applied just enough superficially to not interfere with”the nail bed, or the skin beneath the nail,” continues Camp
Advantages of Inked Nails
The advantages of nail art are numerous. The following are the top few on the list:
- Unlike flesh tattoos, you don’t have to commit to a design for the rest of your life because they are transient. However, since your nail tattoo will remain in place until your nail grows out, make sure you can live with it for the next six months or so.
- An immense array of designs is available for selection. They’re fantastic for showcasing your flair.
- Tattoos on nails don’t harm. According to Camp, getting a nail tattoo is said to produce little to no pain because the process only impacts tissue devoid of nerve endings.
How Nail Tattoos Work
Pobi points out that applying nail tattoos involves multiple steps. First, the tattoo artist will set up a tattoo gun, some black or colorful tattoo ink, and A&D ointment for the skin. After that, they might use a Sharpie or pen and a stencil to stencil the design onto the nails. Similar to Pobi, many tattoo artists prefer to tattoo the pattern directly onto the nail without the need for a template.

When your tattoo artist is finished, you can go right away, but you might want to use some top coat when you get home to help seal in the ink and prevent it from fading. Pobi points out there are no last actions. On the other hand, I suggest top coats to my clientele.
Are Ink on Your Nails Safe?
“Nail tattoos are usually safe if they are done correctly and only by a professional—never do it at home,” adds Guanche. “It’s important that the tattoo is done at the correct depth and not too deeply where it could cause an injury, bleeding, or even a painful infection.” The physicians we spoke with mentioned that there are certain hazards associated with getting nail tattoos, such as allergic reactions to the ink, infections, bleeding, scarring, and unintentional pigment buildup in the nail bed.
When a nail tattoo is applied correctly to the nail plate, the nails should grow naturally. However, if there is damage to the nail matrix, which is situated directly in front of the cuticle, Camp claims that the resulting inflammation may have an impact on the nail’s growth and appearance. Furthermore, problems could occur if the tattoo is put too firmly on a thin or weak fingernail. According to Guanche, it may result in the nail breaking or splitting in two, which can be extremely painful and create an infection.
Cleaning Ink on Nails
While a nail tattoo isn’t as permanent as a tattoo on your flesh, it is still a commitment because it will remain on your nail until it grows out: An ink on your nail may lighten, but it cannot be erased. According to Pobi, since the ink is only on the surface, it may eventually wear off in the same way that a traditional manicure does. For this reason, I advise my clients to apply a top coat—any standard top coat will do—over their nail art to prevent the ink from fading over time.
The Last Point to Remember
Nail art is a quick, easy, and generally safe method to show off your unique style. Your nail surface is tattooed using the same instruments that are used for tattoos on the skin. If that piques your interest, Guanche suggests that before scheduling an appointment, you look up information about the tattoo artist, ask questions, and request to view samples of their prior work on fingernails.